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We are one stop shopping - made local.

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2024 Academy Drive, Johns Island, SC 29455
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It looks like we are going to get lucky with another beautiful day on Saturday. We hope you get the chance to come out and enjoy it with your friends and neighbors.

Our produce farmers are recovering from January and bringing some lovely veg for us to enjoy. The meat, egg, honey, and dairy farmers are also working hard to bring you the best in locally raised food. Between them, you have the ingredients for some wonderful meals.

The prepared food vendors are here for you for those busy day meals and healthy snacks to get you through the week - and this Sunday!

And don’t forget your special someone this Friday - our crafters have something wonderful and unique just like them ~ and you are totally allowed to be your own someone, you are special to us! Top all off that off with puppy snuggles and a great lunch for a perfect Saturday.

We can’t wait to see you!

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